Showing 1–12 of 87 results

10 Pcs Dental Extracting Forceps

23, 65, 88L, 88R, 150, 151, Md1, Md2, Md3, Md4 Lower Upper Full Sets

12 pcs Dental Mouth Mirror – Stainless Steel

12 pcs Dental Mouth Mirror  Stainless Steel Surgical ENT Dental Instruments  Professional Grade

6 Piece Ultimate Hemostat Forceps kit

Length: 12.5 cm Length: 14 cm Length: 16 cm Length: 18 cm Length: 20 cm Length: 22 cm Premium Quality


Kit Contains: 1 Plastic Ruler 1 Mall Probe 1 Teaser Needle, Angled 1 Teaser Needle, Straight 1 Dressing Forceps, 16

Aspirating Dental Cartridge syringe Rainbow Golden set of 4

1.8 ml Syringes: This size is standard for most dental procedures and is typically used for single-use cartridges of anesthetic.

Aspirating Dental Cartridge syringe set of 5 Colourfull

All Colours available. 1.8 ml Syringes: This size is standard for most dental procedures and is typically used for single-use

Aspirating Dental Cartridge syringe set of 5 Rainbow

1.8 ml Syringes: This size is standard for most dental procedures and is typically used for single-use cartridges of anesthetic.