Showing 1–12 of 120 results

5 Piece Deciduous Teeth Set

Deciduous Central Incisor – 1.5 to 2.5 cm Deciduous Lateral Incisor -1.5 to 2.5 cm Deciduous Canine – 2.0 to 3.0 cm

Decidious Lower Anterior Forceps

Small (Pediatric): 13-15 cm in length. Medium:  15-17 cm in length. Large:  17-19 cm in length. Stainless Steel. Selection of

Decidious Lower Posterior Forcep

Small Size: Approximately 10-12 cm in length. Medium Size: Approximately 12-14 cm in length. Large Size: Approximately 14-16 cm in

Decidious Upper Anterior Forceps

Small:  12 cm Medium: 14 cm Large:  16 cm Stainless Steel. Selection of best quality and appropriate materials. Manufacturing and

Decidious Upper Posterior Forceps

12 cm 13 cm 14 cm Stainless Steel. Selection of best quality and appropriate materials. Manufacturing and Development from samples

Extracting Forceps American Pattern

Small (Pediatric): 13-15 cm in length. Medium:  15-17 cm in length. Large:  17-19 cm in length. Stainless Steel. Selection of

Extracting Forceps American Pattern

Small (Pediatric): 13-15 cm in length. Medium:  15-17 cm in length. Large:  17-19 cm in length. Stainless Steel. Selection of

Extracting Forceps American Pattern

Small (Pediatric): 13-15 cm in length. Medium:  15-17 cm in length. Large:  17-19 cm in length. Stainless Steel. Selection of

Extracting Forceps American Pattern

Small (Pediatric): 13-15 cm in length. Medium:  15-17 cm in length. Large:  17-19 cm in length. Stainless Steel. Selection of